Outreach Community
& Residential Services
"I love working for Outreach that's why I have stayed for 25 years, I never wake-up feeling like I don't want to go to work."

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As a report has appeared in the local press we wanted to take the opportunity to comment. Outreach have recently been inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) our governing body, we were incredibly disappointed to be found to ‘need improvement’ across some of our services, the reports are available to view on the CQC website.
In the full report there are also lots of positive comments about the services so we would invite you to look at them.
As we constantly strive to deliver the very best services we can, we welcome the feedback with some positivity as well as disappointment, we have already addressed many of the observations mentioned and are at present investing in a state of the art digital recording platform.
We are very grateful to all the family members and service users who spoke to CQC as the comments were very complimentary, as well the support shown following our rating, this means the world to us.